Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sell gold small amount, great price

Many gold buyers don't treat people with small amounts of gold fairly. We advertise our price and we honor it for even very small amounts of gold. Today an older lady from Detroit came to Max Your Gold. She didn't have very much gold. After we tested it and weighed it we asked her to guess how much we would pay her. Maybe she had been treated poorly somewhere else. Her first guess was $15 dollars. It took about six guesses before she even came close to what we offered her. When we told her $272 dollars she said "God Bless you!". We could have easily told her a smaller amount. I'm sure a lot of gold buyers do just that. I would rather hear God Bless You from a customer than treat people unfairly.

Thanks for reading.
Max Your Gold

1 comment:

  1. That's great! Honesty is always the best policy. The people now know where to sell gold. God bless you!
